Vanpool & How it Works
Vanpooling is a convenient, cost-effective way to commute for groups of 5 to 15 people who live and work in the same vicinity. Through our contracted vendor, vanpools receive a month-to-month lease on passenger SUVs or vans. The lease includes maintenance, roadside assistance, and insurance costs.
Pay less in yearly commuting cost.
Extend the life of your personal vehicle.
Reduce traffic and pollution.
Lower commuting stress.
Reduce the need for parking spaces.
Each vanpool determines its route and schedule based on the needs of the group. Your group also decides convenient drop-off points near your worksite. In most cases, vanpoolers can decide to meet at a Park and Ride lot.
Commuter Krewe has the tools to help you find the best commute choice:
Commuter Rewards: Sign up for our FREE program to earn rewards for sharing the ride.
Emergency Ride Home Program: If you commute to work by vanpool or carpool, log at least 5 trips per quarter, you are able to participate in our emergency ride program.
In collaboration with our partner, Commute with Enterprise, we can provide a variety of vehicle choices that will transport your employees as they complete their vanpool trips!
What are Park and Ride Lots?
Park-and-ride lots are specialized parking lots typically located on the suburban fringe of urbanized areas. These lots are strategically placed outside of the “ring of congestion” on major commuter corridors. Services offered at park-and-rides may include local fixed routes, express bus, bus rapid transit, and rail. They are designed to transfer commuters from low-occupancy modes (personal cars) to high-occupancy modes (rail, bus, van- and car-pools). Services from park-and-ride lots are designed to concentrate transit demand, enabling transit services that could not otherwise be cost-effective.
How Park and Rides Help:
Increased transit usage and ridesharing can help reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on major interstates and highways. Commuters can be encouraged to use the provided bus, rail, carpool or vanpool services if there is an easy way to reach these amenities.
Services centered at park-and-ride lots can serve as an alternative to personal automobile travel.
Commuters can improve their time management by working in their carpool and vanpool. They can have more time to handle personal and business matters, rather than wasting time on a congested interstate.
Regional Park and Ride Locations:
First Pentecostal Church of Denham Springs
1020 South Range Ave, Denham Springs, LA 70726
Park @ Lamar
9039 S St. Landry Ave, Gonzales, LA 70737