The Krewe Newsletter


The Krewe’s Newsletter! Each issue covers all CK highlights, capturing all of the wonderful things we’ve been able to accomplish within those two months. We are excited to keep expanding our program.

Capital Region Microtransit & Vanpool Feasibility Study

The Capital Region Planning Commission (CRPC) is a Council of Governments that coordinates and collaboratively addresses regional issues related to transportation. One of the programs offered through CRPC is a travel demand management (TDM) program that is designed to ease congestion throughout the Capital Region using alternative modes of transportation such as vanpool and microtransit. Through CRPC’s TDM efforts, it was discovered that there is a need for alternative transportation options in the Capital Region. As a result, the CRPC is conducting a planning study to determine the viability and potential for microtransit and vanpool in the region.

Carpool & Vanpool Employer Toolkit

Carpooling and Vanpooling can be a great way to commute! They provide many benefits, for both commuters and employers. Employers who sponsor company-provided transit programs can increase employee satisfaction and reduce absenteeism by providing an alternative, reliable form of commuting. Commuter Krewe has prepared an “Employer Toolkit” that helps employers navigate how to implement and apply carpooling and vanpooling into the environment of their offices.

Commuter Krewe Annual Report

2023 - 2024 was a year defined by thoughtful growth, lots of transition, new ideas, and community-level impact. Our team grew and worked very hard to advocate for and deliver alternative transportation solutions to all who live and work in the Capital Region. Not only were we out in the communities that we serve but also in conference rooms with employer partners and huddled as a team in meeting rooms, working on crafting a vision for the Commuter Krewe team for years to come. Join me in looking back at the accomplishments of our team from this past year!