Commuter Krewe's Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program is a free reimbursement for a ride home from work or school in the event of a qualified emergency.
The ERH program is for commuters in EBR, WBR, Ascension, Livingston, and Iberville parishes using a green mode to travel to work or school; such as carpooling and vanpooling. Before requesting a reimbursement, review the short list of eligibility requirements listed below.
An Emergency Ride Home is available to those who:
✓ Are enrolled in Commuter Krewe prior to the emergency.
✓ Have a completed Commuter Krewe profile with home and work or school locations.
✓ Are recording at least five clean (carpool & vanpool) trips per quarter to work or school.
In the event of a qualified emergency:
Find and arrange transportation for your ride.
Pay for the ride and keep the receipt.
Submit your reimbursement receipt to info@commuterkrewe.la within 3 days of the emergency for review and approval.
Questions? Check out the FAQ’s below for more details.
Commuter Krewe's Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program is a free reimbursement for a ride home from work or school in the event of a qualified emergency.
The ERH program is for commuters in EBR, WBR, Ascension, Livingston, and Iberville parishes using a green mode to travel to work or school; such as carpooling, and vanpooling.
Before requesting a reimbursement, review the short list of eligibility requirements listed below.
Reimbursement is based on the receipted fare up to $75 per trip. Tips cannot be reimbursed.
Qualified emergencies are unexpected personal illness/emergency, unexpected immediate family illness/emergency, transit route/cancellation, or unscheduled overtime/early dismissal at your supervisor’s request, which cause you to be unable to use your regular mode for the trip home from work or school.
Should a carpool/vanpool driver have a qualified illness/emergency causing them to leave work early or unexpected overtime causing them to stay late, the rider(s) can utilize the ERH program.
Trips like personal errands, non-emergency medical appointments, business-related travel, and working overtime without a supervisor’s approval. Any situation known about prior to commuting on the day of the ERH will not qualify.
The ERH program can not be used when a commuter has an issue finding transportation for the trip home on a regular basis. It also does not cover a ride to work or school. Please contact us for clarification on qualified emergency situations.
You may be taken to your home, child’s school/daycare, medical facility, or to your vehicle if it is parked at a park and ride lot. Trips can include several stops, such as to your child’s school, a medical facility, and then home.
You may use the ERH program a maximum of four (4) times per calendar year.
Once we have received your emergency receipt, please allow up to 30 days to receive your reimbursement. Reimbursement may also be in the form of an e-Visa gift card.
You are responsible for the initial payment of the ride.
Please note: The ERH program is NOT to be used to access emergency medical care in lieu of an ambulance or other appropriate medical transport service for work-related injuries.